ENG-Инжинирнговые решения
Bag filter with increased filtration area INFAR ®
A new frame design for bag filters with an increased filtration area has been developed.
gas cleaning plants
Mathematical modeling is performed. Tests were carried out on a laboratory stand. Pilot tests: Gas Cleaning RA-167 Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant
Gas purifiers of the 5 series of the Irkutsk Aluminum Plant
Reducing the differential pressure of the bag filter to 20%.
Reduction of electricity consumption on smoke pumps by up to 20%.
Reducing the regeneration frequency of bag filters by up to 40%.
Reduction of compressed air consumption for filter regeneration up to 40%.
Reduction of pollutants and dust emissions by up to 40%.
Increased service life by up to 20% due to lower regeneration frequency.
2023-06-05 11:46